• শনিবার, ২৭ জুলাই ২০২৪, ১২ শ্রাবণ ১৪৩১
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Gono Bishwabidyalay Studentship and Issues Notice Following Campus Violence

প্রকাশ:  ০৩ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ২৩:২০
Sunjida Jannat Pinky, GB

In response to a violent incident involving the assault of a law student at Gono Bishwabidyalay (GB), the administration has taken decisive action. A circular issued by the university registrar on Wednesday (April 3) reveals that the studentship of one individual from the Politics and Governance department has been suspended for one semester, while others involved have received fines.

The incident, which occurred on February 18, prompted the university administration to form an investigative committee to ascertain the underlying causes. Subsequently, the decision to suspend the studentship of Md. Shihab Ahmed, a fourth-semester student of the department, was made based on the committee's recommendations. Reports suggest that Shihab and others were involved in teasing students from the Law department, leading to protests and physical altercations.

To maintain order and ensure a safe campus environment, the administration has issued a notification outlining several measures. These include the prohibition of displaying and wearing identity cards, the establishment of monitoring committees on each floor, mandatory permission requirements for campus events, and restrictions on rickshaws/auto-rickshaws entering the premises, except for medical emergencies or special circumstances. Additionally, detailed information regarding guests/visitors is now required to be recorded.

Commenting on recent incidents, Md. Fuad Hossain, a member of the proctorial body, expressed concerns over rising campus conflicts. He attributed this trend to increased enrollment and departmental expansions, coupled with societal factors contributing to heightened social unrest among students. However, Hossain reaffirmed the university's commitment to maintaining a conducive learning environment and emphasized a zero-tolerance policy towards disciplinary violations and actions contrary to the university's principles.

Gono Bishwabidyalay
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